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Submit a Project:

Why Submit a Project?

By submitting your project to The Innovation in Politics Awards, you have the opportunity to:

How to Submit

If you are working on a political project in a Council of Europe member country, you can submit it directly through our website by completing the submission form. Please ensure your project meets the following formal criteria:

  • Originates from a Council of Europe member country
  • Is partially financed by public funds and involves at least one elected politician in a meaningful way
  • Was implemented or significantly developed in the last five years
  • Has a tangible impact on people’s lives
  • Upholds the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Worried that your project might not be impactful enough?

Don’t hesitate — innovation can take many forms, and we encourage submissions of all kinds! No matter the scale, your project can drive real change, and we are here to honour and celebrate that.

The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2025.

What Innovators say about the awards


Why Become a Juror?

Joining the Citizens’ Jury gives you a unique opportunity to:

How to Apply

If you are a resident of a Council of Europe member country (including Kosovo) and have reached the legal age in your country, you can apply to become a juror. Jurors evaluate projects online, and the evaluations are conducted in English.

Nominate a Project:

Why Nominate a Project?

If you know of a political project that stands out for its creativity and impact, nominating it for The Innovation in Politics Awards is a way to ensure it gets the recognition it deserves and inspires others.

How to Nominate

Anyone can nominate a project. If it meets our formal criteria, we’ll contact the project owner to encourage submission. Simply provide basic project details on our website.

The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2025.